My Mission
Working as a Communication Specialist for the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste (yes, my business cards actually SAID THAT). That chapter itself was an incredible game-changer in the trajectory of my mission and career. The journey that has followed in over 12 US cities, 47 states, and 37 countries has been nothing less than extraordinary. It is my absolute pleasure to take the lessons and that each professional life chapter has given me and apply them to my mission, my businesses, and those whom I serve. It is my joy to put my experiences and my gifts to work FOR YOU to help you make your dream life and/or biz your reality.
To serve my mission I have a handful of business and creative endeavors that fall under my ‘passion umbrella’.
These include:
1. Producing Socially impactful TV, Film, and Musical Theatre
2. Strategically Advising Socially Impactful Brands
3. Curating Transformational Experiences and Events Around the World
4. Writing
5. Speaking and Teaching Globally